Deploying Python Web Apps on Google Cloud Kubernetes Engine with Terraform
Deployment workflow.
Before you get started, you need to install environment binaries. In this example the first few steps illustrate how to setup and configure binaries on Mac OSX/Linux.
Stack used: Terraform, kubectl, YAML, Redis cluster, Python & Go Lang
Here what is needed before you get started.
- terraform executable
2. gcloud binaries
3. kubectl/minikube
on mac using homebrew
$ brew install kubectl
Install Docker
4. Setup gcloud creds
5. It is time to write your declarative IAC code to define your GCP infrastructure provider.
6. Define your Kubernetes cluster tf declaration.
7. Initialize terraform:
8. Before apply dry run terraform with “plan” option
9. Apply myplan to continue
10. Set project name and get container authentication creds.
Deploying Redis cluster to GKE
11. Redis Master config:
12. Deploy redis master to GKE
13. Create Redis Master service
Config file:
14. Redis Slave config:
14a. Create Redis Slave service
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: redis-slave
app: redis
role: slave
tier: backend
# the port that this service should serve on
- port: 6379
app: redis
role: slave
tier: backend
Deploying WebApp container to GKE
- Dockerfile (webApp)
2. Create docker tag, and push it to Google Cloud Registry (GCR).
3. WebApp deployment
pod declaration :
service declaration:
Testing Redis connection
Testing Python WebApp
Automate this into CI/CD pipelines or manually schedule
Check pod logs
Troubleshooting Kube service